Speaker Request Form & Speaker Kit: Bios & Headshots

As a thought leader for early literacy in Tennessee, the Governor’s Early Literacy Foundation (GELF) team is available to speak at any local or statewide events to spread the message of early literacy. These events can range from local sponsoring organization meetings and fundraisers to statewide conferences and presentations. James Pond, President, and Dean Hoskins, Vice President, serve as the Foundation’s main two speakers, but other team members are available to participate on their behalf should there be scheduling conflicts.

Request a GELF Speaker

If you would like to request a GELF speaker at an event, please fill out the contact request form here and choose the “Request a GELF speaker” option from the drop-down menu.

(insert link to contact page)

From there, your request will be submitted, and our team will follow-up with availability. Below are links to our Speaker Kit, including staff bios and headshots

Click here to download the GELF Speaker Kit.