July 1 is National Postal Worker Day.
This is a day to appreciate and thank the numerous men and women who work consistently and diligently to deliver all of our mail, including Imagination Library books. Let’s all show our appreciation to the awesome postal workers who deliver the wonderful gift of Imagination Library books across Tennessee every month.
Postal workers in Tennesseee deliver 286,000+ books each month!
Print this thank you card for your child to color and place in your mail box. Take a picture of your child with the thank you card and share it on social media. Please tag us so we can see it, too!
Click here to download a card for coloring and printing.
Wondering how the books get to your mailbox?
All of the Imagination Library books delivered in the United States are wrapped and shipped out of a mailing house in Knoxville, Tenn. From there, your local postal workers bring the wonderful gift of books directly to your home. Without them, this program would not be possible.