GELF Video Spots

Below are links to several video spots that Governor’s Early Literacy Foundation has put together to tell our story and explain our early literacy mission in Tennessee.

Animated Overview Video

Celebrating 15 Years of Early Literacy: Legacy Video

As we celebrate 15 years of the Foundation’s work in building a foundation for reading and learning for Tennessee’s children, this video captures the Foundation’s legacy and impact, narrated by our advocates. Through testimonials from key partners and supporters, this video tells the story of the Foundation’s start, expansion and growth through the years and vision for the future.

Turning the Page to Our Next Chapter: Name Change Video

As of January 2020, Governor’s Books from Birth Foundation is now known as Governor’s Early Literacy Foundation – a name that reflects our mission and recognizes our role as an early literacy advocate in Tennessee. This video captures where we have been and why we are going.